
Fantastická Ostrava (minireport z maxifestivalu popkultúry)

26.06.2022 13:59
Ostravo, Ostravo, srdce rudé, spečetěný osude... spieva Jarek Nohavica, a musím sa priznať, že text jeho piesne som začal naozaj chápať až potom, ako som pred rokom prvý raz vkročil do tejto českej metropoly... A tento víkend som sa tam šiel pracovne pozrieť už po štvrtýkrát.   Zosuv pôdy v...

PREŠOV SHOW (reportáž z festivalu fantastiky)

19.06.2022 20:03
NA KONEEEE! Ako ináč môže znieť heslo víkendu, keď sa vyberieš na festival popkultúry... Do Prešova!   ČO BOLO NAJPRV (17.6) Po sérii lockdownov a kovidov som sa - na pozvanie starého známeho, kamaráta-organizátora Juraja Kundríka (zakladateľ legendárneho Pegascou) vybral na nultý ročník...

Keď ti našepkajú zombie-múzy... (interview)

24.05.2022 10:54
"...moje knihy sú ako Ľudská stonožka krížená so Srbským filmom. Na psychedelických hríboch. To by sa nikto neodvážil sfilmovať."   Najnovší rozhovor s Markom - o umeleckej tvorbe a jej úskaliach; pre zmenu veľmi seriózne odpovede, ktoré niečo dajú hlavne...


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BESTIE: Príbeh skutočného maniaka z Horehronia!

04.04.2020 17:21
Vraždy.  Vždy to začíná vraždami.  A někdy to jimi i končí… Podunajská nížina na jihu Slovenska bývala klidným místem pro život, dokud v rychlíku na trati Košice – Bratislava průvodčí neobjevil zohavená těla dvou mrtvých studentek. Bezradná policie nemá jedinou stopu a nemá ani tušení, že...

MARK555 - rapujúci spisovatel

05.01.2020 12:07
Môže sa spisovatel 30tnik stať za jeden rok rapperom? Vydaj sa so mnou na dobrodružnú cestu a spolu to zistíme! Rok 2020 bude v znamení epochoálneho rapu! Sleduj youtube kanál TheMarkEpocha!

DOM 490 HOROR ROKA 2018!

19.02.2019 16:00
Veľkolepé! V ankete o TOP fantastickú knihu za rok 2018 sa DOM 490 umiestnil na 2. mieste za Hradbou západu, fantasy Juraja Červenáka. Tým sa zároveň stal NAJ hororom vlaňajšku! Predbehol dokonca bestseler Jozefa Kariku - Priepasť! Ďakujem týmto všetkým hlasujúcim, veľmi si vážim vašu...

Pozvánka na krst románu DOM 490

25.10.2018 20:53
Vážené dámy a zvrhlíci,  srdečne vás pozývame na slávnostný (ehm-ehm!) krst mojej hororovej novinky, románu DOM 490! Krst sa koná 10. novembra (áno, v deň volieb) na Bibliotéke v bratislavskej Inchebe. Začína o 11.30 za účasti Slovak Ghost Hunters, slovenských lovcov duchov!   O...

EPOCHA HORORU - edičný plán

26.07.2018 19:13
Jeseň 2018: Hrôza na koľajniciach  Strašidelné poviedky českých a slovenských autorov na tému vlaky, podzemka, horské dráhy... Vydáva Vydavateľstvo Hydra Zima 2018: DOM 490  Psychologický román/ducharina v štýle Amityville Horror/Paranormal Activity/The Shining. Vydáva Artis...

Hejtklub EPpocha (typológia hejterov)

01.07.2018 12:23
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Just How To Get Free Spins For Real Money From Online Gambling Establishments

Dátum: 26.09.2021 | Vložil: ThomasTen

If you have a possibility to have a look at the Web casino, you will surely locate internet sites that supply "120 Free Spins Genuine Money." This sounds too good to be real. Besides, just how can these internet sites deliver such freebies? The purpose of this post is to review how casino sites distribute cost-free rotates and also just how you can obtain your hands on them.

The initial inquiry that the majority of people ask when they learn about "120 totally free rotates genuine cash" is if these offers actually exist. The casinos certainly do not make this sort of deal simply to attract new players to register. Rather, they are offering these rewards to make sure that existing gamers would remain devoted to their casinos. You may believe that existing players would certainly not mind obtaining something for free if it suggests that they will maintain returning to the gambling enterprise. The gambling establishments understand this quite possibly and that is why they supply "totally free" rotates with deposits.

Registering with these gambling enterprises would certainly indicate that you consent to play the video games for an established variety of spins with a provided timespan. In return, the casino's award you with factors that can be utilized as chips or bonus factors. Before signing up with an online gambling establishment complimentary spins genuine cash, ensure that you review the small print of the agreement. Figure out what are the major terms of the bargain. There are substantial terms that ought to be included in the agreement.

The major issue that you should be concerned regarding when you learn about "down payment free spins genuine money" bargains is the reality that the majority of them need you to pay a down payment. A large number of these deals need you to make a single down payment prior to you can take pleasure in the reward. Some use certain benefits instead of your first deposit. Others allow you to make several down payments to get much better opportunities of winning. Thus, it is necessary that you get all the details in contacting prevent future complications.

Once you have actually signed up to play these video games, make certain to read the guidelines meticulously. The majority of these online casino sites would certainly not allow you to play more than one video game per hour. Additionally, see to it to read the reward information. Discover just how much you would certainly be obtaining for each spin. It is essential to keep in mind that most casinos do not trouble with the initial 10 rotates; for this reason, it is smart to pick the video games that you can win genuine cash on.

Most of these deals do not point out any limits on the variety of totally free rotates. This makes it feasible for you to maintain winning video games after transferring UK extra pounds. There are 2 methods to win with these gambling establishments. Either you win a fixed reward on the first spin, or you obtain an equivalent amount in a type of bonus rotates. If you select the bonus offer alternative, take care not to register for way too many gambling establishments.

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You can additionally get free money in various other means. Some of these on the internet video games use you totally free credit ratings to wager. If you bank on the very same game as lots of people, you would certainly end up investing a lot more in wagering costs. Hence, it is better that you choose the video games that let you win genuine money without needing to utilize your charge card. The majority of the gambling enterprise business provide subscribe rewards. These provide you free credit histories to play various on the internet games.

If you actually want to delight in playing the ports, it is far better to spend a couple of minutes of your time to find out the best deals readily available. Take a look at the slot web sites as well as check out the incentive details before you choose to subscribe. The totally free rotates offered by the majority of the on the internet casino sites are an exceptional way to win actual money.

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Article original source: [url=]Exactly How To Break Out Rotates Genuine Money From Online Online Casinos[/url] d863677


Dátum: 26.09.2021 | Vložil: Richardicolf

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